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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
  1. Carroll, J., Denny, E, Lyons, R., Petrov, I., (2024) Better energy cost information changes household property investment decisions: Evidence from a Nationwide experiment. Energy Economics.

  2. Ceolotto, S., Denny, E. (2024) Putting a New ‘Spin’ on Energy Information: Measuring the Impact of Reframing Energy Efficiency Information on Tumble Dryer Choices in a Multi-country Experiment. J Consum Policy 47, 51–108.

  3. McGowan, F.P., Denny, E., Lunn, P. D., (2023) Looking beyond time preference: Testing potential causes of low willingness to pay for fuel economy improvements, Resource and Energy Economics, 75, 101404,

  4. Carroll, J., Denny, E, Ferris, A., Petrov, I., Wu, H. (2023) A socio-economic examination of participation in socially innovative energy projects, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48, 2023, 100746

  5. Coyne, B., Denny, E., Fitiwi, D. (2023) The benefits of low-carbon energy efficiency technology adoption for data centres, Energy Conversion and Management: X, 20,

  6. Denny, E. (2022) Long-Term Energy Cost Labelling for Appliances: Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial in Ireland, Journal of Consumer Policy, 45, 369–409.

  7. Wu, H., Carroll, J., Denny, E., (2022) Harnessing citizen investment in community-based energy initiatives: A discrete choice experiment across ten European countries, Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 2022 DOI 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102552

  8. Aravena, C., Denny, E. (2021), The impact of learning and short-term experience on preferences for electric vehicles, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 152, (111656), 2021

  9. Coyne B., Denny E., (2021), Retrofit Effectiveness: Evidence from a nationwide residential energy efficiency programme, Energy Policy, 159,

  10. Kontogianni, A.; Damigos, D.; Skourtos, M.; Tourkolias, C.; Denny, E.; Galarraga, I.; Kallbekken, S.; Lakić, E, (2021) Model Validity and Transferability Informing Behavioral Energy Policie, Energies, 14, (3122), 2021

  11. Coyne, B., Denny, E. (2021), Applying a Model of Technology Diffusion to Quantify the Potential Benefit of Improved Energy Efficiency in Data Centres, Energies, 14 (22),

  12. Carroll, J., Aravena, C., Boeri, M., Denny, E., (2021) "Show Me the Energy Costs": Short and Long-term Energy Cost Disclosure Effects on Willingness-to-pay for Residential Energy Efficiency, The Energy Journal, 43, (2), 2021

  13. Denny, E. (2021) Student views on transition to higher education in Ireland: Challenges, impacts and suggestions, Higher Education Quarterly, 75, pg 113 - 145

  14. Carroll, J., Brazil, W., Morando, B., and Denny, E., (2020) What drives the gender-cycling-gap? Census analysis from Ireland, Transport Policy, Volume 97, October 2020, Pages 95-102

  15. Schuitema, G., Aravena, C., Denny, E. (2020), The psychology of energy efficiency labels: Trust, involvement, and attitudes towards energy performance certificates in Ireland, Energy Research and Social Science, vol 59,

  16. Carroll, J., Conway, K., Shannon, A., Denny, E. (2020), The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Electricity Demand:
    Evidence from Two Jurisdictions, IAEE Energy Forum Special Covid 19 Issue, ISSN 1944-3188

  17. O'Mahoney, A., Denny, E., Hobbs, B., O'Malley, M. (2018) The drivers of power system emissions: an econometric analysis of load, wind and forecast errors. Energy Systems, vol 9 (8)

  18. Denny, E., O’Mahoney, A., Lannoye, E., (2017) Modelling the Impact of Wind Generation on Electricity Market Prices: An Econometric versus Unit Commitment Approach, Renewable Energy, 104, April 2017, Pages 109–119

  19. Carroll, J., Aravena, C. and Denny, E., (2016) “Low efficiency in rental properties: Asymmetric information or low willingness to pay?” Energy Policy, vol 96, pp 617 - 629.

  20. Aravena, C, Riquelme, J.A. and Denny, E. (2016) “Money, Comfort or Environment? Priorities and Determinants of Energy Efficiency Investments in Irish Households”. Journal of Consumer Policy, 39, 159 - 186.

  21. Denny, E & Weiss, J, (2015) Hurry or wait - the pros and cons of going fast or slow on climate change, The Economists Voice, Berkeley Electronic Press, 12, (1), 2015, p19 – 24.

  22. Carroll, J., Denny, E., Lyons, S., (2015) 'The Effects of Energy Cost Labelling on Appliance Purchasing Decisions: Trial Results from Ireland', Journal of Consumer Policy, 2015, pp 1 - 16

  23. Carroll, J., Lyons, S., Denny, E., (2014) ‘Reducing Household Electricity Demand through Smart Metering: The Role of Improved Information about Energy Saving’, Energy Economics, vol 45 pp 234-243.

  24. Denny, E., (2014) ‘Factors influencing the performance of non-economics majors in an Introductory Economics Course’, International Review of Economics Education, vol 17, pp 1 - 16.

  25. Denny, E., (2014) ‘Recreating the Economics Textbook: a student assignment’, International Review of Economics Education, pp 100 - 110, 2014. 

  26. O’Mahoney, A., Denny, E., (2013) “Electricity Prices and Generator Behaviour in Gross Pool Electricity Markets”, Energy Policy, vol 63, Dec 2013, pp 628 - 637.

  27. O’Mahoney, A., Thorne, F., Denny E., (2013) A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Generating Electricity from Biomass. Energy Policy, 57, 2013.

  28. Denny, E., Keane, A., (2013)  “A smart integrated network for an offshore island”, in IEEE proceedings, Special issue on Marine Energy and Environments, 101 (4), April 2013. .

  29. Nyamdash, B. Denny, E., (2012) “The impact of electricity storage on wholesale electricity prices: a simulation and econometric analysis”, Energy Policy, 58: 6—16.

  30. Keane, A., Tuohy, A., Meibom, P., Denny, E., Flynn, D., Mullane, A., O’Malley, M., (2011) Demand side resource operation on the Irish power system with high wind power penetration, Energy Policy¸39, (5), 2011. 

  31. Nyamdash, B., Denny, E., O'Malley, M., (2010) The Viability of Balancing Wind Generation with Large Scale Energy Storage, Energy Policy, 38, (11), 2010.

  32. Denny, E., Tuohy, A., Meibom, P., Keane, A., Flynn, D., Mullane, A., O'Malley, M., (2010) The Impact of Increased Interconnection on Electricity Systems with Large Penetrations of Wind Generation: A case study of Ireland and Great Britain, Energy Policy, 38, (11).

  33. Troy, N., Denny, E., O'Malley, M.,(2010) Base-load Cycling on a System with Significant Wind Penetration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25, (2), 2010, p1088 - 1097.

  34. Denny, E., (2009) Break-even capital cost for tidal generation on a real electricity system, Modern Energy Review, 1, 2009.  Published for the United Nations Framework on Climate Change, Copenhagen 2009. .

  35. Denny, E., (2009) The Economics of Tidal Energy, Energy Policy, 37, 2009, p1914 - 1924. .

  36. Tuohy, A., Meibom,P., Denny, E. & O'Malley, M. (2009) Unit Commitment for Systems with Significant Wind Penetration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24, (2), 2009, p592 - 601. .

  37. Denny, E. & O'Malley, M, (2009) The impact of carbon prices on generation cycling costs, Energy Policy, 37, 2009, p1204 - 1212.

  38. Denny, E. and O'Malley, M, (2007) Quantifying the total net benefits of grid integrated wind, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22, (2), 2007, p605 - 615

  39. Keane, A., Denny, E., and O'Malley, M., (2007) Quantifying the Impact of Connection Policy on Distributed Generation, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 22, (1), 2007, p242 - 249.

  40. Denny, E. and O'Malley, M,(2006) Wind Generation, Power System Operation and Emissions Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21, (1), 2006, p341 - 347

  41. Bazilian, M., Denny, E., and O'Malley, M., (2004) Challenges of Increased Wind Energy Penetration in Ireland, Wind Engineering, 28, (1), 2004, p43 - 55

Book Chapters
  1. Denny, E.  Energy and Environment in The Economy of Ireland: Policy-Making in a Global Context, 13th edition, editor(s) O'Hagan, J. and O'Toole, F.. , Dublin, Palgrave, 2017. 

  2. Denny, E.  Energy Sector and Environmental Issues in The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, 12th edition, editor(s) O'Hagan, J. and Newman, C. , Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 2014. 

  3. Denny, E., Power System Operation with Large Penetrations of Wind Generation in Handbook of Wind Power Systems: Pardalos,  P.M., Rebennack, S., Pereira, M. V., Radziukyniene, I.(Eds.), Springer press 2014. 

  4. Denny, E.  and O'Hagan, J., Infrastructure, Energy and Environment in The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues, 11th edition, editor(s) O'Hagan, J. and Newman, C. , Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 2011.

Policy Reports

I am author/co-author of the following policy reports


  1. Denny, E. "Transition from second level and further education to third level", published by the Teaching and Learning Forum Ireland. August 2015. Available here

  2. O’Mahoney, A., Fitz Gerald, J., and Denny, E., “An Enterprising Wind: An Economic Analysis of the Job Creation Potential of the Wind Sector in Ireland”, published by Siemens and the Irish Wind Energy Association, February 2014. Available here . This report was launched by the Irish Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Minister Pat Rabbitte, on 19th February 2014.

  3.  “RES-E Next: Next Generation of RES-E Policy Instruments”, published by the International Energy Agency, July 2013. Available here.

  4. “Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation”, Chapter 8 of the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2011. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Available here.

  5. “Concept Development of a Wind and Ocean Powered Smart Network for the Integrated Supply of Energy for Electricity, Heat and Transport in Irish Island Communities”, published by Sustainable Energy Ireland, 2011.

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